Terms & Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before you book any of our activities as it details important information. The terms and conditions below apply to all attendees whether your child is attending the Termly Sessions or Holiday Camps. The Terms shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Parent upon payment of the fee by or on behalf of the Parent. 

We reserve the right to make amendments to our Terms and Conditions at any time to reflect changes in our business or statutory obligations. The new version will be posted on our website and will take effect immediately upon posting. If applicable these changes will be communicated to all our customers. 

In the unlikely event of a customer failing to abide by these terms and conditions, a customer may be requested to discontinue with Teach Sports. In this instance, Teach Sports will be under no obligation to provide a refund for any outstanding lessons.


You can make a session booking over the phone or by text to 07530868512. 

You must provide us with specific personal information to book a session with us. This includes parents contact information and the name and age of the child.

Once you have reserved a place for our sessions, you will receive a text message which will ask you to read our Terms and Conditions (this document) as well as detailing further information about the time and location of your session.

If your session time/ location changes, Teach Sports will contact you.


Termly Courses

Lessons for the Termly Courses are paid for every four weeks in advance and must be paid in full prior to the Pupil commencing the course, we don't accept weekly payments. Your course payment has reserved a place just for you and if you miss a session for any reason, we are unable to refund you and you will not be entitled to a credit or a free session in lieu. The Fee is non-refundable under any circumstances whatsoever, unless the child has attended the first session of their Course and given notice (in writing) that they will not be continuing to attend classes within 24 hours of attending the first class, in which case the course fees will be refunded in full within 30 days.

Holiday Camps

Holiday Camps will need to be paid for in advance. Because we have to secure a venue and staff before the start of our camps, we offer no refunds on cancelled holiday camp places. We may however transfer your booking to another date or venue during that same holiday period (subject to availability). If your child has suffered an injury, or has developed a new health problem, so cannot participate in the camp, please provide us with a doctor's note and we will issue a credit note. 

The cancellation rights generally available to consumers in accordance with their statutory rights do not apply to the classes provided by us. 

The Parent understands that sessions are ongoing and to be used consecutively. 


Teach Sports may cancel this contract at any time before the Pupil commences the Course for any reason whatsoever. Teach Sports shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from such cancellation.

In the unlikely event of 'last minute' lesson changes or a lesson cancellation by us, Teach Sports will notify you with as much notice as possible. Teach Sports will not reimburse any expenses incurred by a customer failing to pick up their message.

If a lesson is cancelled by Teach Sports, other than in accordance we will, wherever possible, offer you a credit for the value of the cancelled lesson which if taken will be deducted from your next payment.

If insufficient children are booked into your session, we reserve the right to cancel the class. In this instance we will offer you either an alternative class or a refund will be given for any remaining sessions after the cancellation within 30 days. 

If live classes are cancelled for any reason outside the control of Teach Sports, including (without limitation) as a result of an "Act of God" (e.g. disruption resulting from extreme weather conditions, earthquakes, strikes or terrorist activity), or where local or governmental authorities/public guidance advise that live classes should be temporarily suspended for health or other reasons ('Extreme Reasons'), then no refunds nor credits shall be given. Teach Sports reserves the right to provide online classes as a replacement for, or alternative to, live classes where it is not possible or reasonably practicable to provide live classes, including (without limitation) for the aforementioned Extreme Reasons, and in doing so Teach Sports shall satisfy its contractual obligations hereunder and there shall be no entitlement to any refund or credit. We do not offer refunds due to Covid.

If your class fee changes you will be notified of your revised payment schedule by Teach Sports.


Customers are expected to behave in a civilised and respectful manner at all times towards the Coaches, other customers and any members of the public who are on the Premises. In the event that Teach Sports determines the behaviour of the Pupil and/or the Parent/Carer to be unacceptable, Teach Sports shall be entitled to exclude the Pupil and the Parent/Carer (or either of them) from Course and Premises permanently or for such period as Teach Sports shall (in its entire discretion) determine.

The standard of behaviour which is to be regarded as unacceptable at a course or on the Premises shall be determined by Teach Sports.

Customers accept that at times there will be physical contact between the teacher and their child, which will always be carried out in a professional and caring manner.

Please help us start and finish sessions on time by arriving promptly for your session and taking any litter home with you when you leave. Please let the coaching team know if you have to leave the session early for any reason; this is for emergency evacuation purposes.


Any child being collected late, there will be a late collection fee per child of:

  • 10 minutes or more £10
  • 20 minutes or more £15
  • 30 minutes or more £20
  • 40 minutes or more £25
  • 50 minutes or more £30
  • 60 minutes or more £40

This fee must be paid before your child attends their next session. If it hasn't been settled, we have the right to refuse entry. 


Teach Sports may from time to time take promotional photo / film for promotional literature.

Parents/guardians that do not wish for their child to be included in promotional photos / film must make us aware.


Please ensure your child is wearing athletic clothing and proper footwear for each session. Ensure that you have packed appropriate clothing for all weather conditions i.e. hat, gloves, waterproofs if raining. Please bring trainers as we may bring part of the session inside a sports hall/ gym. Football boots will not be allowed inside. If correct footwear is not worn this may result in the player sitting out of the session.  

Teach sports advise always wearing shin pads. We will not take responsibility for any injury caused to a child who is not wearing shin pads or appropriate training wear.


We do hope you will be extremely happy with our service, but if for any reason you are not, please follow our complaints procedure:

Speak to the coach where we will try to resolve the matter to your satisfaction.

Or if the response is not satisfactory, please send your complaint to our Head Coach at teachsports@outlook.com


Please inform Teach Sports of any medical conditions/ illness/ learning difficulties/ injuries prior to the Termly Sessions or Holiday Camps commencing, so the coaches are aware. You must inform the coaches of any changes as they occur. Teach Sports takes no responsibility if they are not informed of any health issues. Please ensure your child has any medicines which they need i.e., Ventolin inhalers or epi pens with him/ her at all times. 

Our head coaching staff are FA Qualified Football Coaches. You the Parents and guardians are fully responsible for allowing your child to participate in contact sport. Training sessions consist of group sessions not individual sessions.

Whilst we ensure our activities are as safe as possible unfortunately, accidents in sports do still happen from time to time. Even the most routine exercise or activity can cause injuries.

To minimise risks to customers and participants we will ensure:DBS checks on a staff over the age of 16

Coaches maintain relevant coaching qualifications and first aid

Activities,equipment and venues are checked prior to the start of all activities.

Coaches have first aid kits available at all times.

Participants details are securely stored and accessible, with medical, and emergency contact information.

We will follow venues fire, evacuation and child protection policies.-We will ensure children are supervised at all times.

If a child has suffered concussion two weeks prior to a training session, he/she will not be able to train until a member of staff is shown a medical note shown by a doctor.  

If a child trains with a concussion without notification, we will take no responsibility if a child should fall ill during the session post-concussion. 


Whilst we will try to ensure you always have the same teacher in a particular class, we cannot guarantee this as teachers may fall ill, leave or cancel for personal reasons. On occasion we may also need to have a new teacher join or lead your lesson in order to complete their teacher training or assessments. 

Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment and we do not chase you, but we continue to provide the service, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date.

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersede all prior agreements and understandings between the parties. It is agreed that no statement, promise or inducement whether written or oral alleged to have been made by either party and which is not contained herein shall be binding or form part of this Agreement.